This is the story of four mischievous woodland fairies. Their names
are Mirth, Glee, Shimmer & Twinkle.
The four fairy friends become
restless on a rare day off from going to-and-fro doing all their
fairy work.
They decide to visit the good people of nearby Cuckoo Village to
have fun playing tricks on them.
As is often the way for trouble makers, things do not work out
exactly the way they wish. So, the mischievous youngling fairies
soon find themselves in as much trouble as they caused for the
humans of Cuckoo Village.
- Middle Grade: Perfect for 7-12-year-old readers
- An ideal story-time adventure for 5-6-year-olds
- Features short, self-contained chapters
- Available now in hardback, paperback, and Kindle editions
- Exciting audiobook coming soon